Unimɑginable BiɾtҺs Will Mɑke You Amɑzed To Witness

One of these incidents was the strangest birth when doctors first saw a man lying on the delivery table.
Men get pregnant and give birth

Brother Thomas Beatie (American) is known around the world as a pregnant man. In fact, Mr. Thomas was originally a woman who had sex reassignment surgery when he was 20 years old, but because he had not had a hysterectomy, he was still able to give birth. Not only gave birth once, Thomas gave birth three times.

Thomas Beatie was pregnant and gave birth 3 times

His first baby girl was born in 2008 named Susan, in 2009 he continued to give birth to Austin. For the third time in 2010, Mr. Thomas gave birth to a very lovely and healthy baby boy. All of Thomas’s births were thanks to donor sperm.

  Thomas Beatie’s happy family

Give birth on a beautiful day

Barbara Soper, who lives in Michigan (USA) has 3 children, all born on memorable days: her first daughter, Chloe, was born on August 8, 2008, and her second son, Cameron, was born on September 9. 2009 and the youngest daughter Cearra was born on 10/10/2010.

Barbara’s family with 3 babies all born on a beautiful day

According to experts’ statistics, the birth rate like Barbara is very rare, only 1 in 50 million cases. Although all three of Barbara’s children were born on special days, she insists that she is not. plan to choose the date of birth, the children are all born by chance.
  Self cesarean section

Ines Ramirez (40 years old) is the only woman who performed a cesarean section on herself, removed the baby and survived. On March 5, 2000, after 12 hours of suffering, Ms. Ines decided to operate on herself because the nearest medical station was also 80 km away from where she lived, and her husband was drinking.

Ines Ramirez is the only woman who gives birth by cesarean section

Under the dim light, Ines cut open her own lower abdomen and pulled out a baby boy. When the bleeding didn’t stop, she asked her 6-year-old son to get a towel to cover the incision. A few hours later, the doctor in the village discovered that she was lying next to a boy. The doctor immediately sewed the wound with a needle and quickly took her to the emergency room.

The birth with the lightest baby

It is the little girl Rumaisa Rahman, from India. Rumaisa was born on September 19, 2004 in a hospital in the US. Rumaisa weighed only 243 grams and was 25.4 centimeters long when she was born, her weight was less than a can of soft drink. She was born prematurely, was born after 25 weeks and 6 days in the womb and on her first birthday, Rumaisa weighed less than 1 kg.

Her weight is less than a can of soft drink

Birth with a “giant” baby

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the heaviest baby at birth was Sadly, born in January 1979 in Ohio (USA). At birth, Sadly weighed 10.5kg but this baby passed away just 11 hours later. Sadly, her mother is Anna Bates (Canadian), she is more than 2.1m tall.

Indonesian baby was born weighing nearly 9kg

In addition, there is an Indonesian “giant” baby. Although not as heavy as Sadly, when he was born, he also attracted great attention. He looks so different when lying next to other newborn babies. The baby’s weight at birth was 8.6 kg.

Twins with different fathers

Mia Washington gave birth to twin boys Jordan and Justin in 2008. However, from birth, the two babies were very different. The children’s mother later confessed to having sex with another man, besides her husband, during ovulation. So Jordan and Justin were born from two different eggs, despite being in the same uterus and born on the same day.

Two boys Jordan and Justin

The oldest mother

This birth is very strange because the mother when giving birth was at the age of 70. More specifically, this is the first time Ms. Omkari Panwar, an Indian, gives birth. After 40 years of waiting, in November 2008, Mrs. Omkari was granted, she gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. Two children were born through artificial insemination.

Son and mother have a 70 year age difference

Giving birth while in a coma

In June 2012, Emma Mynors (23) in the UK gave birth to a baby girl safely in a coma and completely forgot she was pregnant. Emma has been hospitalized with pneumonia and has had two strokes because of the disease.

Two weeks after being admitted to the hospital, in a coma, she gave birth to a healthy baby at 29 weeks pregnant at Colchester General Hospital, Essex (England). Miraculously, Emma gave birth to baby Amy safely without the need for a caesarean section. The baby was born with a weight of 1.4 kg.

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