The Great Escape: Constructing a 12-Acre Moated Island Refuge for Alba, the World’s Only Albino Orangutan, Safe from Poachers

In a groundbreaking effort to protect one of the world’s most unique and endangered primates, conservationists have embarked on a mission to build a 12-acre moated forest island for Alba, the world’s only known albino orangutan. This sanctuary, nestled in the heart of the Borneo rainforest, is designed to be a safe haven where Alba can live out her days free from the constant threat of poachers.

The Rarity of Alba

Alba’s story is nothing short of miraculous. Discovered in 2017 in a cage, dehydrated and malnourished, she was rescued by the Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Foundation. Her striking white fur and blue eyes set her apart, making her the only documented albino orangutan in the world. However, these unique features also made her a prime target for poachers and an object of fascination that could have dire consequences for her survival in the wild.

Building the 12-Acre Sanctuary

The creation of Alba’s sanctuary is a massive undertaking, requiring extensive planning, resources, and collaboration. The 12-acre moated forest island is designed to replicate her natural habitat while providing unparalleled security. The moat acts as a natural barrier, protecting her from potential threats while allowing her the freedom to roam and explore her new home.

Construction crews have been working tirelessly to ensure the island meets all the necessary requirements for Alba’s safety and well-being. The forest within the sanctuary is lush and diverse, offering Alba ample opportunities to climb, forage, and engage in behaviors natural to her species. Specially designed feeding platforms and enrichment activities will help keep her mentally stimulated and physically active.

The Importance of the Moat

One of the most critical features of Alba’s sanctuary is the moat. This water barrier is crucial in preventing poachers from reaching her, a real and present danger in the Borneo rainforest. Poaching remains a significant threat to orangutans, with their habitats continually encroached upon by illegal logging and palm oil plantations. The moat also serves as a deterrent to other potential predators, ensuring Alba’s safety at all times.

A New Beginning for Alba

Once construction is complete, Alba will be carefully introduced to her new home. This process will be gradual, allowing her time to acclimate to her surroundings and ensure she feels secure. The BOS Foundation team will closely monitor her, providing any necessary medical care and support.

Alba’s new sanctuary is not just a safe haven for her; it symbolizes hope and resilience. It highlights the extraordinary lengths to which conservationists will go to protect and preserve endangered species. The success of this project could pave the way for similar initiatives worldwide, offering endangered animals a fighting chance against extinction.

The Broader Impact

Alba’s sanctuary also serves an educational purpose. By raising awareness about her plight and the broader challenges faced by orangutans, the BOS Foundation hopes to inspire global action to protect these incredible creatures. Public support and funding are crucial for the continuation of such projects, ensuring that Alba’s story is not just one of survival but of thriving against the odds.


The creation of a 12-acre moated forest island for Alba, the world’s only albino orangutan, is a testament to the dedication and ingenuity of conservationists. This sanctuary will provide Alba with the safe, natural environment she needs to live a full and healthy life, free from the threats that once plagued her. It is a powerful reminder of the impact we can have when we commit to protecting our planet’s most vulnerable inhabitants. As Alba begins her new life on this sanctuary island, she stands as a beacon of hope and a symbol of the incredible efforts made to ensure the survival of her species.

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