Show Off Your Style with These 13 Inspirational Hand Tattoo Ideas!

What does the hand tattoo mean?

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At first, hand tattoos were not the main choice for customers, especially among the female audience. For some people, the reason was linked to fear of exposure in stricter workplaces, as the region cannot be easily hidden. In other cases, beginners in the universe of Tattoos assumed they were afraid of the level of pain during the procedure.

Even so, dozens of influencers and celebrities such as Rihanna, Shawn Mendes and the player David Beckham have already adhered to hand tattoos, aesthetic modifications that convey beauty and daring, loaded with references to different cultures and trends.

Singer Rihanna is one of the biggest inspirations when it comes to traditional tattoos and served as a reference to encourage followers. One of the artist’s most famous tattoos is a henna-style mandala, which symbolizes perfection and the search for inner peace.

Where to get a tattoo on your hand?

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According to professional tattooists, the best area of ​​the hand to get the most out of the tattoo’s durability is on the upper part of the hands. The reason for this recommendation is linked to the fact that the hands are a place that suffers direct exposure to cleaning products, cosmetics or the environment, making the healing of the area more delicate.

On the other hand, customers are still free to choose artwork that extends to the fingers, sides of the hands or even the palms. However, you should be aware that these regions tend to fade easily, as they do not fully absorb the ink and require touch-ups more frequently.

 What are the precautions for a tattoo on the hand?

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Tattoos require specific care to ensure that the result of the art is not compromised after the healing time. Therefore, customers are advised to adopt some measures to facilitate the process and obtain a flawless result, which range from the use of healing ointments and daily cleaning of the site.

It is true that the post-tattoo phase is not at all easy, especially when the uncomfortable itching phase arrives. The sensation is uncomfortable, but if you want to have a good result at the end of the period, it is necessary to resist scratching or scratching the tattoo.

In addition to initial care, the long-term recommendation is the same for the most exposed regions of the body: keep the area always clean and hydrated. Hands tend to get drier due to daily wear and tear, so invest in a good moisturizing cream to prevent dryness.

How long does it take for a hand tattoo to heal?

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According to experts, the maximum time for a tattoo to heal is up to 2 months. However, depending on the region of the hands and care, healing can be even faster.

Fortunately, the skin care and nutrition routine during the body’s recovery makes all the difference to ensure a well-defined result even after the first month.

9 tattoo ideas on the female hand

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Tattoo on delicate female hand

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Mandalas are successful among the public that does not dispense with references with powerful meanings.


Flower tattoo on female hand

Floral designs do not go out of style and remain one of the top choices in studios.

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Tattoo on female hand with phrase

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If you want something even more exclusive, phrases are perfect for expressing great meaning.


Female tattoo on hand and fingers

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In addition to popular options, branches, stars or symbols are trends worth investing in.


butterfly tattoo on hand

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Butterflies or dragonflies carry a beautiful meaning related to transformation and lightness.


Female hand tattoo with rose

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Roses symbolize beauty, perfection and romanticism. The perfect choice for anyone who loves simplicity.

Why not get a tattoo on your hand?

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The tattoo on the hand manages to transform the personal image, promoting more authenticity and originality to the visuals. However, not everyone is sure about this decision, especially when they work in environments that require a discreet professional profile.

Therefore, before choosing to tattoo your hands, consider other places on your body to ensure that you feel more comfortable with your own expectations. Thankfully, there are creative solutions for anyone who wants to experiment with a bold look, even temporarily, before investing in some full-on art.

Some online stores have a wide catalog of adhesive tattoos, developed with a resistant material, which can be applied at home and removed after the event.

How long does a hand tattoo last?

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Just like any other aesthetic procedure, tattooing is an investment that requires research on references and specialized professionals. In general, values ​​for female tattoos on hands or fingers can cost an average of R$ 150 to R$ 350.

It is important to consider techniques, colors and originality of the arts, as the unique creations add value to the tattoo.


Now that you know the pros and cons of hand tattoos, it’s time to plan your investment. But if you’ve already made your decision, don’t forget to research the best professionals in the region to make your budget and guarantee a satisfactory result.

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