Relive Some Of The Most Painful Landings In The History Of The Money In The Bank Ladder Match

The Money in the Bank Ladder Match is one of the most thrilling and dangerous events in WWE history. This high-stakes match offers participants a chance to grab a contract that guarantees a championship match at any time and place of their choosing. However, the road to victory is paved with pain, as wrestlers endure some of the most brutal and unforgettable landings. Let’s relive some of the most painful moments in the history of this iconic match.

1. Edge’s Spine-Chilling Spear (WrestleMania 21, 2005)

Edge’s victory in the first-ever Money in the Bank match at WrestleMania 21 is legendary. However, it was his jaw-dropping spear to Chris Benoit from the top of a ladder that left fans in awe. The impact was so severe that Benoit crashed to the mat, writhing in agony. This moment not only showcased Edge’s ruthless aggression but also set the tone for future matches.

2. Shelton Benjamin’s Death-Defying Dive (WrestleMania 25, 2009)

Shelton Benjamin is known for his incredible athleticism, and he didn’t disappoint at WrestleMania 25. Climbing a ladder positioned outside the ring, Benjamin leapt off and performed a breathtaking dive onto his opponents below. The sheer height and impact of the landing left both Benjamin and the WWE Universe gasping for breath, cementing his reputation as a Money in the Bank standout.

3. Joey Mercury’s Devastating Ladder Smash (Armageddon, 2006)

At Armageddon 2006, Joey Mercury experienced one of the most gruesome injuries in Money in the Bank history. During a four-team ladder match, Jeff Hardy performed a see-saw maneuver with a ladder, catapulting it into Mercury’s face. The brutal impact shattered Mercury’s nose and orbital bone, causing an immediate and bloody mess. This horrifying moment remains etched in the minds of wrestling fans as one of the most painful and unfortunate landings.

4. CM Punk’s Gut-Wrenching Fall (WrestleMania XXIV, 2008)

CM Punk’s second Money in the Bank victory came at WrestleMania XXIV, but not without a price. During the match, Punk found himself hanging from the briefcase, only to be sent crashing down onto a ladder by Shelton Benjamin. The impact was so intense that Punk’s ribs were visibly bruised. Despite the pain, Punk persevered and secured the contract, showcasing his resilience and determination.

5. John Morrison’s Risky Maneuver (WrestleMania XXVI, 2010)

John Morrison’s high-flying style often puts him in precarious positions, and WrestleMania XXVI was no different. Climbing to the top of a ladder outside the ring, Morrison executed a Starship Pain onto the competitors below. The landing was brutal, with Morrison crashing hard onto the unforgiving arena floor. This moment highlighted the risks involved in the Money in the Bank match and Morrison’s willingness to sacrifice his body for glory.

6. Kevin Owens’ Spine-Crunching Powerbomb (Money in the Bank, 2016)

At Money in the Bank 2016, Kevin Owens delivered a spine-crunching powerbomb to Sami Zayn onto the edge of a ladder. The move, known as the “apron powerbomb,” saw Zayn’s back slam against the hard steel, leaving him in excruciating pain. Owens’ relentless aggression and Zayn’s resilience were on full display, making this one of the most memorable and painful moments in the match’s history.

The Money in the Bank Ladder Match continues to be a spectacle of bravery and brutality, with each year bringing new moments of high-risk excitement. These painful landings remind us of the incredible sacrifices wrestlers make to entertain us and seize the ultimate prize. As the match evolves, we can only anticipate even more jaw-dropping and bone-crunching moments that will leave us on the edge of our seats.

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