Mike Tyson Only Needed 8 Seconds For His Opponent To Be Taken To The Emergency Room

Mike Tyson, famous for his devastating power and speed in the boxing ring, has etched his name in boxing history with some of the most spectacular knockouts ever seen. Among these, there was a prominent round in which Tyson only needed 8 seconds to send his opponent to the hospital.

Tyson’s reputation as an “iron puncher” is well documented, but many people may have forgotten how fast he was at his peak. Michael Spinks, who had a perfect record of 31-0, faced Tyson in 1988 and within 91 seconds his record changed to 31-1. This incident is a testament to Tyson’s lightning-fast ability. Here are Mike Tyson’s fastest knockouts that showcase his incredible speed and power:

1. 8-second knockout match at the Youth Olympics (1981)

Even before turning professional, Tyson’s destructive potential was evident. During the 1981 Youth Olympics, Tyson performed the fastest knockout, defeating his opponent in just 8 seconds. This quick victory showcased his raw power and speed, setting the stage for his future dominance.

Mike Tyson at the 1981 Junior Olympics

2. 30-second knockout with Marvis Frazier (1986)

On July 26, 1986, four months before becoming the youngest heavyweight champion in history, Tyson faced Marvis Frazier, son of legendary champion Joe Frazier. Frazier, with a 16-1 record, could not withstand Tyson’s relentless attacks. Within 30 seconds, Frazier was on the canvas and the referee stopped the fight, marking Tyson’s fastest professional knockout.

3. Robert Colay’s 37-second knockout (1985)

In a match on October 25, 1985 in Atlantic City, Tyson surprised everyone with a quick finish against Robert Colay. Expected to last several rounds, the fight ended in just 37 seconds. Tyson’s signature left hook knocked out Colay, demonstrating his ability to end fights almost as soon as they began.

Mike KO Robert moment

4. Michael Spinks’ 91-second knockout (1988)

Michael Spinks, undefeated at 31-0, faced Tyson on June 27, 1988. The highly anticipated fight was surprisingly short. Tyson’s aggression and speed overwhelmed Spinks, resulting in a knockout in just 91 seconds. This victory not only added to Tyson’s legend but also solidified his status as the undisputed heavyweight champion.

5. Knockout of Lou Savarese in 38 seconds (2000)

After the infamous ear biting incident with Evander Holyfield, Tyson returned to the ring on June 24, 2000, against Lou Savarese in Glasgow, Scotland. Tyson’s left hook knocked out Savarese after just 10 seconds of the fight. When Savarese tried to get up, Tyson immediately continued to attack, forcing the referee to intervene and stop the match at 38 seconds.

Mike Tyson’s lightning-fast knockouts are a testament to his outstanding speed, power and skill in the ring. Each of these fights highlighted the raw athleticism and intimidating presence that made Tyson one of the most formidable boxers of all time. From his 8-second knockout at the Youth Olympics to his quick victories in professional matches, Tyson’s “iron puncher” legacy remains unprecedented in boxing history.

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