After being taken to the rescue station, Duncan was immediately adopted by a family. But fate makes Gary and Amanda (who run the rescue camp) fall in love with this brave dog. The adoptive family gave up the idea when they saw how happy Duncan was to be playing with Gary and Amanda.

Duncan is friendly with other dogs
After Gary and Amanda moved into a large house with a garden where Duncan could run and jump, they discovered a health problem in his uncle. Duncan’s two hind legs have pressed on the spine, causing it to hurt, so the only way is to amputate both disabled legs. Although doing so would make it difficult for Duncan to keep his balance, that did not stop his desire to run and jump.

Duncan is truly a magical dog

Duncan’s favorite food: Peanut butter
Duncan loves to run and jump like any other dog. He refuses to use a wheelchair and has always preferred to do things on his own, even climbing stairs.

You’re probably seeing a deformed dog, but I’m seeing a real hero.
When this video became famous with more than 7 million views, at the time, Duncan was missing. The car of husband and wife Gary and Amanda crashed while trying to avoid an animal crossing the road. Gary and Amanda and two other dogs in the car all escaped with minor injuries, but Duncan was nowhere to be seen. When the car overturned, it could have been thrown out onto the street. Gary is very worried about the little dog. “I am afraid that he has been seriously injured or even… dead”.

Duncan’s pictures were shared everywhere to find the dog.
Luck once again smiled at Gary’s family when passersby accidentally found Duncan wandering. Amanda shared Duncan has experienced many times of dying and coming back to life like this. This brave dog has suffered 2 cardiac arrests, Gary must actively resuscitate and perform CPR (artificial respiration) to save Duncan’s life.

Although life has many events, Duncan always loves life
Although his small life went through many ups and downs, Duncan never gave up. This brave dog has always been an endless source of inspiration for everyone with his enthusiasm, courage and determination that do not give up easily.
You can check out more at this Instagram to follow Duncan’s inspirational journey.