Shivering minutes when facing a giant python more than 7m long

Incredible photos by explorer Julian Gunther reveal the life of the Anaconda python, one of the world’s largest pythons, in the wetlands of South America. He had been immersed in the water for hours to get close to the giant creatures.

Julian Gunther dives underwater for hours to photograph the giant python

The pythons are sometimes up to 7m long, coiling around the branches, hiding in the water. They move, sometimes revealing forked tongues and glassy eyes submerged in dark water.

The 44-year-old adventurer said that capturing true-to-life photos of this giant, elusive creature takes a lot of preparation and careful planning. One of the important things is to understand the warning signs of when not to touch them. Always give pythons an escape, never “push them into a corner”.

The python curled up in the water

According to Julian, the notion that the Anaconda python is very aggressive, attacking anything that gets in its way is wrong. The 1997 horror film Anaconda, starring Jennifer Lopez and Ice Cube, contributed to people’s unfounded fear of the animal. 

He said: “To interact properly and safely with these large creatures, you have to do a lot of basic research into behavior, warning signs of danger… However, humans don’t have it. in the menu of the giant python. The only reason why pythons attack people is because it feels disturbed, cornering it with no way out.”

Julian approached the python at close range to capture the clearest image.

He and the explorers traveled by boat down the branches in the mangroves. Pythons often spend a lot of time in the water, sometimes hiding under tree branches.

After discovering the python’s location, he tried to enter the water slowly and cautiously. He was careful when moving so as not to alarm the animal or frighten it.

Sometimes, pythons actively approach the camera at close range. At this point, he had to try to stay calm, not to move suddenly. “Most of the time, pythons just come forward to check the camera, and then retreat,” he said.

However, he admits that his first encounter with a large adult python made him feel scared. The pythons are up to 7m long, big and fat, eyes staring into the lens.

“I was nervous at first. The python headed towards me, it licked the camera for about 20-30 seconds and then retreated. I was scared, but trying to remember what I learned and my experience in facing the face. other animals. I try to stay calm. Its action tells me it’s very comfortable. I can move a little further back to take more pictures,” he shared.

What surprised him the most when dealing with giant pythons at close range was their gentle nature. The large pythons he encountered all approached to check the camera, observe, and then glide away without attacking or causing any danger.

The South American wetlands are home to many giant pythons.

Julian first came into contact with pythons as a child, during a day out at the Rio de Janeiro zoo. He was completely overwhelmed when he saw the giant reptiles. “They’re huge in the eyes of a four-year-old,” he said.

As he grew older, his curiosity about giant creatures grew. He reads Brazilian myths and folklore related to giant pythons and some other animals. He always wanted to see them up close.

Photographing reptiles and marine life in their natural habitat gradually became a lifelong passion for Julian. He often goes on adventures with his wife and both want to pass on their love of wildlife to their daughter.

“When our daughter is older, we will let her join the trip. She is almost 4 years old. During dinner, she told me that she wants to go with her father to see sea lions,” he happily shared. shall.

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