Rescuers found an abandoned puppy breathing its last.

Rescuers Discover Dog Who Takes Her Final Breath Next To A Cardboard BoxWe cannot understand why some people hurt or abandon our furry friends. But this is a reality that affects thousands of puppies every day. Today’s case is no different!

Animal Aid Unlimited received a call about an unconscious puppy that was passing away. When they arrived on the scene, they saw a small dog lying next to a cardboard box, breathing its last breath. Rescuers weren’t sure if she would survive.

Rescuers Discover Dog Who Takes Her Final Breath Next To A Cardboard BoxThe poor girl was in shock due to dehydration and her blood pressure was very low. Fortunately, she received the necessary medication and treatment. But rescuers were worried about whether she would make it through the night.

Rescuers Discover Dog Who Takes Her Final Breath Next To A Cardboard BoxIn the morning, dear Lilly surprised everyone. After just 24 hours she made miraculous progress! Rescuers found the dog taking her last breath.

Rescuers Discover Dog Who Takes Her Final Breath Next To A Cardboard Box

Watch the incredible rescue in the video below and see how beautiful the little girl is now.

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