Millions of people around the world cry when they see the picture of the owner taking the dog to pick up trash every day in Bangkok.

If you own a dog, you’ll understand when we say that there are moments when we just wish we could bring our pets to work with us so we could be with them all the time. Facebook users recently posted a picture of a Bangkok, Thailand public cleaner performing her job while toting her small puppy on her back.

Mazda, a one-year-old black and white dog, a Poodle and Shih Tzu mix, has found love online thanks to her adoptive mother Thitirat Keowa-ram.

Although Mazda weighs roughly 10 kg, Thitirat doesn’t seem to mind. It’s her favorite thing to wear to work, the Bangkok Post said.

The image of the owner carrying the dog to clean the trash every day in Bangkok makes millions of hearts melt – AmazingUnitedState.Com

Mazda can be seen unperturbed by onlookers or traffic as she scans the streets of a Bangkok suburb while hanging quietly from a vest that Thitirat is wearing like a backpack.

The image of the owner carrying the dog to clean the trash every day in Bangkok makes millions of hearts melt – AmazingUnitedState.Com

Mazda is a good guy and is never grumpy while they are together, according to Thitirat, who claimed to have acquired the dog from a friend a year ago.

In order to avoid being left alone at home, she claims that she always gets ready for work at three in the morning and brings her puppy with her.

Even Mazda has its own raincoat to keep you dry when it rains.

The image of the owner carrying the dog to clean the trash every day in Bangkok makes millions of hearts melt – AmazingUnitedState.Com

The image of the owner carrying his dog to work every day has attracted millions of followers and admiration from viewers.

“I see her every day carrying the dog to pick up trash around here, this picture I find very touching because of the closeness and cuteness of the dog. I hope they can be healthy every day to do the job. “one citizen shares

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