Not everyone realizes how important a pet can be in one’s heart and in one’s life. They become a part of our family, and when something horrible occurs to them, we find no solace, just like we do with our loved ones.
When they get sick, we go out of our way to ensure that they recover quickly so that we can see their tail wag or their sad face when we have to leave home.
Unfortunately, our spoilt children are not immortal, and there will come a time when they must complete their cycle and cross the rainbow.

However, several recent incidents have particularly touched Internet users. Perhaps it’s because there’s music playing in the background that encourages it, or perhaps it’s because the owner appears to be unpleasant and has fully broken down before his long-term dog’s departure.
They are photographs that depict a man’s most vulnerable aspect. Since it was a tiny puppy who followed him for 14 long years of his life, becoming another son, many have touched the innermost fiber of the soul.
The scenario takes place on the gurney of a veterinarian, where it is assumed that he would be given the drug that will put him to sleep for the rest of his life.

The dog already has a syringe, so he’ll be on the other side in a few minutes, but his eyes are still open. Its owner finds no solace and leans in close to his hairy companion, melting into a long hug he hopes would never stop.
He tries to caress him, looks him in the eyes, and kisses him at one point, as if he wants to hold him back, but he realizes that time is running short.
“The strong guy will have to say goodbye to the dog with whom he has shared his life for the past 14 years.” “I pray there’s no more agony in paradise,” it says next to the video’s description, which has received over 17 million views.
In the face of the man’s anguish, which they perceive as their own, the networks have not been reluctant to reply with heartfelt responses of empathy.

“Oh, my God, I had to do this only a few months ago.” You can be the toughest person in the world, but when it comes to your children, you rapidly crumble. One user wrote, “I shall never forget our final stare at one other.”
“This made me weep because it reminded me of one of the most painful days of my life,” one person commented.