Many assumed the stray dog was pregnant when it fell, due to its large abdomen, but in reality it was not.

Can’t imagine what would have happened if the dog wasn’t rescued in time

A pup with a ton of fluid in his tummy, People thought she was pregnant. This puppy was in a difficult situation, she was ill.

But when the vets saw this, they were sure that it was not pregnant and the dog needs to be rescued immediately.

Many assumed the stray dog was pregnant when it collapsed due to its large belly, but it wasn't.

This is an emergency condition and the dog is in immense pain
She had her Xrays, blood samples, and fluid analysis done. people who were trying to help here were waiting for the results. For now, the stagers are draining all the fluid buildup in her stomach. it is really a painful situation.

Many assumed the stray dog was pregnant when it collapsed due to its large belly, but it wasn't.

The fluid is roughly further than 10 liters so far. Her bones have started to appear, a lot of pain and discomfort h when the fluid is being drained and she seems at peace in fact falling asleep. She’ll eventually sleep well after months of pain and suffering.

Many assumed the stray dog was pregnant when it collapsed due to its large belly, but it wasn't.

They said that they’ll still be at the clinic with her and there are more and more pails filling up. Also, they’ll share with you all the news about her.

Many assumed the stray dog was pregnant when it collapsed due to its large belly, but it wasn't.

Thanks to all for being there for her! You all joined hands with love.

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