Dog Abɑndoned In Freezing Cold CompleTely Trɑnsforms After Rescue

Last December, Rosabella was found curled up in a ball, trying to stay warm in a Minnesota alleyway. Left with nothing but a thin wire crate to protect her from the harsh winter elements, the pup wouldn’t have survived much longer. Luckily, a rescue volunteer spotted Rosabella and rushed her to safety.

It’s been nearly a year since that harrowing day, and Rosabella’s life has completely changed for the better. According to Kelli Hanson, the marketing and communications director of Ruff Start Rescue, “She was only 19 pounds, when she should have been closer to 45 pounds. We don’t know how long she waited [in the cold], but I think she was noticed fairly quickly.”A white dog has just been rescued.

The volunteer worked quickly to free Rosabella from the crate and get her to the safety of the rescue, where she could warm up. “She was extremely loving and grateful to be warm,” Hanson said.

Rosabella soon found her forever home while working to get back to health. Her new mom offered an update, which the rescue noted in a Facebook post.A white dog takes a stretch.

“After seeing her sad story on the news, I knew I had to reach out to see what I could do to help her,” Rosabella’s mom told Ruff Start Rescue. “Luckily, I was chosen to possibly adopt her.”

The woman introduced Rosabella to her dog, Lucy, and the two dogs hit it off. “Lucy and I fell in love with her right away,” the post continued. “She is such a sweet girl, so happy and curious about everything. She follows us everywhere. She has definitely grown a lot, she’s healthy, and very active.”A white dog sits on a dog with her friend.

While not much is known about Rosabella’s past, she now enjoys going for walks in the neighborhood or dog park, playing with her new sister, and napping to her heart’s content. She’ll never have to worry about surviving the brutal elements ever again.

“It has been fun to have Rosabella in my life,” the post read. “She has such a sweet spirit which is amazing considering her background. Now she gets the much-needed love she deserves in her forever home!”Two dogs nap together.

Rosabella’s story is a reminder of the importance of animal rescue and the love and care that every animal deserves. Thanks to the kindheartedness of a rescue volunteer and the love of her forever family, Rosabella now has a second chance at life and is thriving.

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