An abandoned dog crying behind an iron lap laments the loss of his child

The following photos will show you that dogs are completely emotional and aware of being abandoned by their owners.

In some countries, it is very common for dogs to be abandoned by their owners. Every day, many dogs and cats are taken to the camps by their owners. The space of each collection camp is limited, so infected animals, especially dogs, are often isolated, many cases are too severe to wait until death. Moreover, many dogs since the day they were abandoned by their owners have had psychological problems, they constantly bark and howl, when someone approaches.

An abandoned dog crying behind an iron lap laments the loss of his child – AmazingUnitedState.Com

HPHS staff saw the dog crying in the shelter. From a medical perspective, dogs will not cry because of pain, most likely there is something wrong with their body. But animals also have feelings, it certainly also knows that has been abandoned by the owner, will no longer be able to return home. No longer lying on the familiar dog mattress, nor playing with the owner.

The godless, despairing eyes of the abandoned dog, perhaps in their hearts there is still some hope that the owner will take them home, but the harsh reality tells them that is impossible.

An abandoned dog crying behind an iron lap laments the loss of his child – AmazingUnitedState.Com

Although being cared for, not subjected to wandering, but for abandoned dogs, their owners are still the most important.

Please share so everyone can see this image, so that people are more responsible, don’t let the pets you love be disappointed.

There are many people who keep pets as a “movement” or just for fun, getting bored with a few meals, some people sell them, many more cruel people even starve their pets to death. They consider it normal, because they do not know how to think, how to express their feelings. But no, they feel it all, they just can’t speak.

An abandoned dog crying behind an iron lap laments the loss of his child – AmazingUnitedState.Com
The image of these abandoned dogs crouching in a corner, teary eyes makes viewers feel heartbroken.

Pet raising is not a game. If you have chosen to bring them home, take care of them and take responsibility for their lives. Raising a dog is not just about providing them with enough supplies and food for the dog or cat, giving it a place to stay, but having a responsibility when they are old or sick.

No matter what situation dogs are in, illness, physical defects or whatever happens, they will always love life as they love their own owners. Dogs with autism often sit sad is extremely rare. That will help us, their owners feel happier, making the atmosphere always comfortable when around them.

An abandoned dog crying behind an iron lap laments the loss of his child – AmazingUnitedState.Com

No matter how dangerous it is, even if it encounters opponents much heavier than itself, the dog will fight and protect its owner to the end. There have been situations where dogs rescue owners from burning houses, or fight with wolves and tigers to save their owners, that is a very precious quality, it shows that dogs are not just pets as pets. , it is also a protector of you.

Of course, dogs are the most docile animals, it never complains that you make it do the same movement over and over, or do unsightly poses, it even has fun when it comes to learning new things. that new thing.

An abandoned dog crying behind an iron lap laments the loss of his child – AmazingUnitedState.Com

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