Abandoned mastiff, thrown from a car, wags his tail excitedly, expressing gratitude and gratitude every time he sees his rescuer

Violet, an English Mastiff, had a very tough start in life. She was thrown out of a car in Maryland and left to fend for herself. When she was found, she was almost literally skin and bone, with her ribs and spine clearly visible. Despite this, she was still a loving and affectionate dog who showed her appreciation and gratitude towards those who rescued her.

Fortunately, Violet was quickly rescued and given veterinary care. She was then brought to Fat Dog Farm where she began her rehabilitation. Every few pounds gained was important as she needed to put on enough weight to regain her strength. Her hind legs were too weak, so one of the first things they worked on was getting her to climb stairs again.

Violet’s foster mom noticed that she seemed to have not seen much of the outside world where she originally came from. When her foster mom took her outside, Violet looked at the trees and sky with genuine fascination – like she’d forgotten what they were like. She was fed lots of nutritious and high-fat foods to help her gain weight faster, and it paid off. Her road to recovery was recorded in photos, and you can see the astounding progress she made.

After such a hard journey, Violet learned how to be a dog again. She was playful and loved the outdoors. She enjoyed nuzzling and cuddling, which was way more fun now that she was no longer skin and bones. She was on six meals a day during her journey to ensure her digestive system could handle it. And it worked! Violet gained her weight back, and her spirits too.

Violet’s story is worth sharing as it goes to show how keeping at it always pays off, and it also shows how much you can do to help one dog. Violet came to her rescuers broken and malnourished, and now she’s one whole dog again, with a lot of love to give back. Her journey is a true testament to the resilience and spirit of animals.

While Violet’s story has some pretty graphic parts, it’s important to remember that not all pet stories are sunshine and daisies. There are many animals out there who are badly mistreated and neglected. But for every sad story, there are also stories of hope and resilience, like Violet’s. It’s heartwarming to see how much love and care can bring a dog back to life.

Violet’s story reminds us that every animal deserves a chance at a happy and healthy life. If you have the means, consider donating to an animal rescue organization or volunteering at a local shelter. You never know whose life you might be able to change for the better. Please share this article with your friends and family to help raise awareness about animal welfare.

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