A two-legged canine with amazing energy

Despite falling many times to scratch and bleed, Putol still did not give up. Finally, after two years, with extraordinary energy, the two-legged dog Putol was able to walk comfortably with only his front legs.

Danilo Codillego, a 27-year-old man living in Manila, Philippines is the owner of a two-legged dog with extraordinary energy named Putol.

A two-legged dog with admirable energy – AmazingUnitedState.Com

According to Mr. Danilo’s share, he is a truck driver, and he adopted Putol by accident.
The main reason is because no one wants to raise Putol, they think that the disabled dog will not be able to live long.

A two-legged dog with admirable energy – AmazingUnitedState.Com

Only Mr. Danilo is the only one who sympathizes and wants to adopt and take care of Putol.

It is known that since birth, the dog Putol has been disabled, without two hind legs. Thinking that Putol’s fate had reached a dead end, unable to continue living, the dog was lucky to meet Mr. Danilo.

A two-legged dog with admirable energy – AmazingUnitedState.Com

Thanks to the care and dedicated guidance of Mr. Danilo, the dog Putol became stronger and stronger, and also learned to balance with only his front legs. Despite falling many times to scratch and bleed, Putol still did not give up. Finally, after two years, with extraordinary energy, Putol was able to walk comfortably with only his front legs.

A two-legged dog with admirable energy – AmazingUnitedState.Com

Now at the age of 5, Putol can even run and jump with only two legs, making many people surprised and admired.
Putol’s story, after being reported by the media, has also inspired many people. Even a disabled dog thanks to energy and perseverance can finally survive, moreover, live a happy and joyful life.

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