From Fan to Champion! Cody Rhodes Names 3 WWE Legends Who Inspired Him During His Childhood, Reflecting on Their Impact in Exclusive Interview

Cody Rhodes, the current WWE Undisputed Champion, recently sat down with Chris Van Vliet for an exclusive interview, revealing the WWE legends who inspired him during his childhood. Growing up surrounded by the world of wrestling, thanks to his father, the iconic Dusty Rhodes, Cody had the unique opportunity to witness greatness up close. In this heartfelt interview, he shared how three WWE Hall of Famers left a lasting impact on him and shaped his journey from fan to champion.

1. Macho Man Randy Savage

Cody’s first encounter with one of his idols came at a young age. “Macho Man Randy Savage had come to WCW, I was 12, whatever it may be. I was a big fan of Macho Man. He’s one of the biggest stars ever and still to this day [his name] is as over as over gets,” Cody recalled. One memorable moment cemented Savage as Cody’s favorite wrestler. “He just randomly walked by me and my dad would always introduce me as if I was a 25-year-old wrestler… and put a lot of pressure on me in those moments. And he just said something like ‘Hey Code man, how many push ups can you do? 10? Oh do 10 with me,’ and we just got on the floor and did push ups and I thought, OK, Macho Man is my favorite wrestler ever.”

This simple yet profound interaction with Savage not only boosted Cody’s confidence but also left a lasting impression on him. It taught him the importance of connecting with fans, no matter how young or old they are, a lesson he carries with him to this day.

2. The Great Muta

Another significant influence on Cody was The Great Muta, known for his enigmatic persona and incredible in-ring skills. Cody reminisced about a backstage encounter that left him starstruck. “Prior to that one of my guys at WCW was Muta, who signed one of the boards they have in Japan for the autographs. He still had the hood on over his paint, and we just had a moment backstage, and he came down on one knee. I couldn’t believe it; I just thought he was the coolest thing ever.”

The mystique and presence of The Great Muta captivated young Cody, and this moment of personal interaction reinforced his fascination with wrestling. It showed him the power of persona and presentation in the wrestling world, aspects he has masterfully incorporated into his own career.

3. Sting

Perhaps the most significant influence on Cody was Sting, a close friend of his father and a larger-than-life figure in the wrestling industry. “The big, big one was Sting. I’m sure he probably remembers this. I’d just be around the corner or in the locker rooms, and I just wanted any interaction with Sting because he was the franchise guy. Him and my dad had a good relationship; he was my young idol growing up wanting to be a wrestler.”

Sting’s dedication, charisma, and connection with the audience left an indelible mark on Cody. Watching Sting interact with fans and perform at the highest level inspired Cody to pursue wrestling with the same passion and commitment. Sting’s influence is evident in Cody’s own journey, where he has continually strived to connect with his audience and deliver memorable performances.


Cody Rhodes’ reflections on the WWE legends who inspired him during his childhood provide a unique insight into his journey from fan to champion. The interactions with Macho Man Randy Savage, The Great Muta, and Sting not only inspired him but also shaped his approach to wrestling. Their impact is evident in Cody’s career, where he has become a beloved figure in the wrestling world, known for his dedication, charisma, and ability to connect with fans. As Cody continues to carve out his legacy in WWE, the lessons and inspirations from his childhood idols remain at the core of his success.

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