Did Floyd Mayweather Wait Until Manny Pacquiao Was Older And Weaker Before Daring To Face Him? This Has Always Been A Controversial Topic, So What Is The Truth?

The boxing world was set ablaze when Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Manny Pacquiao finally faced off in the ring on May 2, 2015. Dubbed the “Fight of the Century,” this bout had fans on the edge of their seats. However, one controversy that has lingered is whether Mayweather waited until Pacquiao was older and past his prime before agreeing to the fight. Let’s dive into the details and see what Mayweather himself has to say about this claim.

The Controversy

For years, fans and critics speculated that Mayweather deliberately delayed the fight to gain an advantage. The idea was that as Pacquiao aged, he would lose some of his speed, power, and overall effectiveness, giving Mayweather a better chance of winning. This theory gained traction as negotiations for the fight dragged on, with various reasons cited for the delays, including disagreements over drug testing, purse splits, and other logistical issues.

Mayweather’s Response

Floyd Mayweather has been vocal in dismissing these claims. He often points out a simple fact: he is actually older than Manny Pacquiao. In a statement, Mayweather said, “I’m older than Pacquiao by two years! So, no matter what happens, it’s never good enough for anyone.” Indeed, Mayweather was born on February 24, 1977, while Pacquiao was born on December 17, 1978. This means that, technically, if age were a disadvantage, it would be Mayweather who was more affected by it.

Breaking Down the Timeline

The initial discussions for a fight between Mayweather and Pacquiao began around 2009. At that time, both fighters were in their early 30s and at the top of their game. Despite numerous negotiations, the fight failed to materialize until 2015. By then, Mayweather was 38 and Pacquiao was 36. Both fighters were still highly skilled and capable, but the slight age difference remained a point of debate.

Critics argue that Pacquiao’s performance had declined by 2015, pointing to his losses to Timothy Bradley (later avenged) and Juan Manuel Marquez (a knockout). However, Pacquiao remained a formidable opponent, defeating several top contenders in the lead-up to the Mayweather fight.

The Fight Itself

When the fight finally happened, it was a tactical battle, with Mayweather using his defensive prowess and counter-punching skills to secure a unanimous decision victory. Pacquiao, while not as aggressive as in his younger years, still showed flashes of his trademark speed and power. The fight was competitive, but Mayweather’s strategy and execution were superior on the night.

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