Cody Vs Solo At Mitb Và Cody Vs Randy At Summerslam, That’s How It Should Go ?

In professional wrestling, special matches always attract the attention of fans around the world. Currently, two matches are predicted to create the most memorable moments of the year: Cody Rhodes vs. Solo Sikoa at Money in the Bank (MitB) and Cody Rhodes vs. Randy Orton at SummerSlam. Here’s why these matches should happen and why they will be the focus of WWE moving forward.

Cody Rhodes vs Solo Sikoa at Money in the Bank

Money in the Bank is an important event, famous for its thrilling matches and great opportunities. Cody Rhodes facing Solo Sikoa will not only be a battle of technique but also a clash of two great wrestling families. Cody Rhodes, son of the legendary Dusty Rhodes, has proven himself as one of WWE’s top stars. Meanwhile, Solo Sikoa, of the famous Anoa’i bloodline, has quickly established himself as a new force in the wrestling world.

This match will be a battle between experience and youth, between tradition and innovation. Cody with his skills and leadership will have to face Solo’s strength and speed. For fans, this will be a dramatic match that cannot be missed.

Cody Rhodes vs Randy Orton at SummerSlam

SummerSlam, one of WWE’s biggest events, was the perfect place for Cody Rhodes and Randy Orton to settle their long-standing feud. Randy Orton, who was Cody’s mentor in the group Legacy, has had a glorious career with many championship titles. Cody Rhodes, once a student of Orton, has overcome many challenges to become a bright star of WWE.

The match between Cody and Randy is not only a battle between two individuals but also a confrontation between the past and the present. Cody will have to prove that he is no longer the little student he once was but has become a formidable opponent. On the contrary, Randy will try to defend his position and prove that he is still one of the living legends of WWE.

Is That The Way It Should Be?

These two matches not only promise to bring eye-catching action scenes but also have profound emotional and traditional meaning. Cody Rhodes vs. Solo Sikoa at MitB will showcase two great wrestling families, while Cody Rhodes vs. Randy Orton at SummerSlam will be an emotional confrontation between teacher and student.

Fans will witness the perfect combination of technique, tactics and emotion in these two matches. This is exactly why Cody Rhodes should face Solo Sikoa at Money in the Bank and then face Randy Orton at SummerSlam. These matches not only elevated the event but also created memorable moments in WWE history.

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