Rare creatures that will surprise you with their abilities

The animal world around us is very rich and diverse with countless species of animals. Among them are many species known to man. However, there are species of creatures that are little…

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Interesting facts about unique animals Star-nosed moles (Condylura cristata)

The star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata) is a unique and fascinating animal found in North America. It is the only mammal in the world with a star-shaped nose. The star-nosed mole…

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Numerous people were shocked to learn that the dog has been picking up trash in the river every day for almost ten years.

For the past ten years, this dog has stolen about 30 bottles every day from…

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This two-legged dog is called a hero dog because it bravely saved a person’s life.

Kuno, a Belgian Malinois, has proven beyond all reasonable doubt that dogs are indeed mankind’s best friends. The retired British Army dog received the Dickin Medal from the People’s Dispensary for Sickly Animals, the ideal award any animal can receive in the British army, after suffering permanently disabling injuries while assisting British Explicit Forces in

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Despite having a broken leg, Mom Dog brings her 13 puppies to the safest hiding place.

The St. Louis Street Rescue team encountered a dog with a broken paw. They wanted to save her, but they didn’t know they would save so many others, writes ilovemydogsomuch. Soon after saving the dog, they realized she had milk. So they knew that this dog was a new mother and that she had puppies

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When left behind repeatedly, a dog feels terrified and requires comfort.

Each and every dog and cat merits a loving family and an opportunity at existence.…

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When its owner abandoned it, the dog was devastated and hoped someone would come to save it.

It’s hard to believe how little compassion other people have for animals. Especially once they…

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An abandoned dog tied to a tree corner for months has found a good owner.

 His body wasted down, his bones extended, and he were given right here a statistic.…

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The dog was abused to the point of broken bones begging for help

Nancy the Doberman ended up in a pigsty with a broken once more after being…

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Fearing for his life, a paralyzed dog with its legs groaned in pain for help

Injuries happen daily. For a slapdash beast, buses could be deadly. When this deficient girl…

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