A homeless man celebrates his birthday with his two dogs.
Dogs are the most loyal animals on the planet, and they haven’t gotten there by accident.
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When people witness a child hugging a dead dog, millions of hearts are broken.
Those who have, are raising pets will understand, they are not just ordinary animals. The more long-term care, the deeper the love, many people consider pets as relatives and friends. Therefore, if something bad happens to them, surely the “lotus” will be extremely heartbroken.
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A sick dog that was abandoned in a trash pile was accidentally discovered.
A seriσusly ill dσg was thrσwn σut at a garƄage duмρ Ƅecause her σwner didn’t want tσ ρay her νet Ƅills – that’s what an RSρCA susρects after the eмaciated dσg was discσνered Ƅy twσ мen in the trash heaρ.
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The unfortunate puppy that was abandoned alone in the middle of the moor was almost consumed by thousands of ants.
According to Pitiful Animal Phoenix is one of the 5 worst instances they’ve ever rescued. When the rescue team located Phoenix, she was in a critical situation. Phoenix was lying…
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In Nigeria, a group of people came across a snake with an unusual morphology.
Oп Tυesday aroυпd 2pm,dυriпg oпe of the υsυal visits to the farm, somethiпg straпge happeпed which left me dazed.
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Matted Stray Cuts Her Hair And Enjoys Poolside Relaxation
When staff with Love Leo Rescue found Matt on the streets, he was covered in such long, matted-fur that it was hard to see his face. They didn’t know it at the time, but underneath all that fur was a sweet pup just waiting to be pampered! Sasha with Love Leo Rescue helped capture Matt […]
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Dog is discovered in a hole, dying, and rescuers give him a second chance at life.
It was a lucky break for one dog who was really down on his luck. The poor pooch, Dovey, was pretty much on death’s door when he was rescued. The poor thing was discovered by Animal Aid Unlimited in India after he became stuck inside a hole. Adding to his misery, was the fact that […]
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A three-legged dog and a crippled cat have become close and console each other.
Falco and Scooter are great friends, both may have a discouraged and useless life, as the one does not have one of his front legs and the second cannot walk unless it is using a wheelchair. Scooter, after injuring his spine, could not continue walking and Falco, when he was found, no longer had his […]
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The dog couldn’t help but shiver from the pain and cold, they threw it away like garbage
They abandoned them at the trash like garbage, leaving them trembling in pain and the cold. Abandoned in a dumpster beside trash bags and an old watermelon, two little black and tan puppies sat peacefully . They looked to blend in, barely able to protrude their heads above the debris. Luckily, a Good Samaritan observed […]
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