A Kid Named Bjorn Threatens The Undertaker “Hey, I’ll Shoot You Right In The Face.”

During WrestleMania weekend, The Undertaker was kept busy with various WWE appearances, hosting his One Deadman Show, and showing up on WrestleMania XL Sunday. However, the most memorable moment for him came not from the ring, but from a hilarious phone call with a seven-year-old boy.

On his Six Feet Under podcast, The Undertaker shared the story of his unexpected encounter with Bjorn, the son of a former Navy SEAL who was part of his security detail. Here’s how it all went down:

“[Larry Heck] sent me a text and said, ‘Such and such, I’ll keep it professional, is on your security detail tonight. His son is a big fan of yours. Do you mind talking to him or calling him?’ ‘No worries, I’ll take care of it.’ The security guys are always so professional. I think this guy is a former NAVY SEAL. I waited until I was done with my meet and greet. I told the guy, ‘Hey, I hear your son is a fan. Would you like me to call him?’ ‘Oh no, don’t worry.’ He was being professional. I said, ‘It’s okay. I know Larry. Larry sent me a text.’ He’s still trying to say no. I said, ‘Let me FaceTime him real quick.’ He goes, ‘Well, you can’t FaceTime him.’ ‘Okay.’ ‘If you would call him, that would be awesome.’ He brings out the flip phone. No GPS tracking. Immediately, I’m like, ‘You’re the man.’ I know what he’s thinking. He calls up, gets his wife on the phone. ‘Put Bjorn on the phone.’ ‘Bjorn?’ It was like he was reading my mind because he goes, ‘He’s named after a Viking.’

He gets his son on the phone. ‘Bjorn, this is The Undertaker.’ ‘Hey Undertaker, how are you?’ ‘I’m really good.’ I’m making small talk with this kid. I start messing with him like I do with everybody. ‘Bjorn, sounds like to me that you’re getting in some kind of trouble at home, aren’t you?’ ‘No, I’m not getting into any trouble.’ ‘Nooo, sounds like you’re up to something. I don’t know what it is, but I can tell you’re doing something you shouldn’t be doing.’ ‘I’m not doing anything I’m not supposed to be doing. You’re doing something you’re not supposed to be doing.’ ‘Nooooo.’ This seven-year-old kid goes, ‘Hey, I’ll shoot you right in the face.’ I about lost it. Now his dad is mortified. ‘I put him on the phone, he’s threatening the Undertaker.’ ‘You’re not going to shoot me in the face, I’m going to shoot you in the face.’ Now, I’m having an argument with a seven-year-old about shooting him in the face. I probably shouldn’t be talking about this. It’s all in good fun. You had to be there.

We’re going back and forth, and then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, he goes, ‘You’re a Democrat.’ [laughs]. Where did that come from? His dad, who is standing right next to me, has his head in his hands, ‘I’m so sorry.’ Now, I’m trying to keep this conversation going for as long as I can. I’m totally engaged, fully engaged. We finally hang up. This guy is like, ‘I am so sorry. I had no clue. He gets that from his grandfather.’ That was the coolest conversation I’ve had on the phone in a while. He goes, ‘Again, I apologize.’ ‘There is absolutely nothing to apologize for.’ After the show, he goes, ‘I talked to my wife. She is mortified.’ I was like, ‘Bjorn is okay with me. It was totally fine. You tell her not to worry. He made my night.’ You just don’t get threatened like that from a seven-year-old. That was fun.”
The Undertaker laughed and smiled as he recounted the story, clearly enjoying the unexpected and amusing exchange with young Bjorn.

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